Monday, September 22, 2014

Which microcontroller should i choose ?

STM (STMicroelectronics)  offers wide range of microcontrollers but which one you should choose?  You should consider some basic parameters.

1) Flash Memory

This is where your programs are stored. For STM32 series microcontrollers typically it varies between 128KB to 2MB.

2) RAM

RAM sizes in microcontrollers aren't that big compared to computers. They are typically in KB range. 64KB to 256KB is common for STM32 series


In modern CPUs frequencies are measured in GHz but if you are not using Cortex A series your frequency range is measured in MHz. For example STM32F407 runs at 168Mhz.


Which peripherals and interfaces do you need for your project ?

ADC (Analog to Digital Converter)
CAN (Controller Area Network)
DAC ( Digital to Analog Converter)
DCMI (Digital Camera Interface)
DMA (Direct Memory Access)
FSMC (Flexible Static Memory Controller)
I2C (Inter Integrated Circuit aka I squared C)
SDIO (Secure Digital Input Output)
SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface)
TIMER (Hardware Timers)
UART/USART (Universal Asyncronous Receiver Transmitter/Universal Syncronous Asyncronous Receiver Transmitter)


This is not your concern if you are a hobbyist or only prototyping. But if you are planning to manufacture your design 1000+ quantities, you should consider prices.

If STM32F1 is enough for your project than using STM32F4 costs you a lot of money.

You can use ST-MCU-FINDER application. Supports IOS, Android and Windows platforms