Monday, September 29, 2014

ARM and STM32 Abbreviations

  If you are new to STM32 microcontroller or programming, while reading datasheets you are going to encounter a lot of terms or abbreviations that you don't know.

  I wanted to make a list for most of the terms and their abbreviations/descriptions. I'm going to update the list, feel free to offer additions.

A/D Converter: Analog Digital Converter
ADC : Analog Digital Converter
AHB : Advanced High Performance Bus
APB : Advanced Peripheral Bus
ART Accelator : Adaptive Real Time Accelator
B: Dedicated to BOOT0 Pin (Pin Abbreviation)
BCD : Binary Coded Decimal 
BGA : Ball Grid Array 
BJT : Bipolar Junction Transistor
BOR : Brownout Reset
BQFP : Bumpered Quad Flat Package
CAN : Controller Area Network
CF : Compact Flash
CMOS : Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor
CQFP : Ceramic Quad Flat Package   
CRC : Cyclic Redundancy Check 
CTS : Clear to Send
D/A Converter : Digital Analog Converter
DAC : Digital Analog Converter
DCE : Data Communication Equipment
DCMI : Digital Camera Interface 
DFU : Device Firmware Upgrade
DMA : Direct Memory Access
DMIPS : Dhrystone Million Instructions Per Second
DSP : Digital Signal Processing
DTE : Data Terminal Equipment
EMI : Electromagnetic Interference
EMS : Electromagnetic Susceptibility
ESD : Electrostatic Discharge
ESR : Equivalent Series Resistance
ETM : Embedded Trace Macrocell
EXTI : External Interrupt
FET : Field Effect Transistor
FIFO : First In, First Out 
FM+ : Fast Mode Plus (Pin Abbreviation)
FPGA : Field Programmable Gate Array
FPU : Floating Point Unit
FPU : Floating Point Unit 
FSMC : Flexible Static Memory Controller
FT : 5V Tolerant Input Output Pin (Pin Abbreviation)
FTB : Fast Transient Burst (Voltage)
FTf : 5V Tolerant Input Output Pin with FM+ capable (Pin Abbreviation)
GPIO : General Purpose Input Output
HSE : High Speed External (Oscillator/Clock)
HSI : High Speed Internal (Oscillator/Clock)
HVAC : Heating Ventilating and Air Conditioning
I : Input Only Pin (Pin Abbreviation)
I/O : Input Output Pin (Pin Abbreviation)
I/O : Input/Output 
I2C : Inter Integrated Circuit, aka I squared C
I2S : Inter-IC Sound, Integrated Interchip Sound
IC : Input Capture
IC : Integrated Circuit
IRDA : Infrared Data Association
IWDG : Independent Watch Dog
JTAG : Joint Test Action Group
LAN : Local Area Network
LIN : Local Interconnect Network 
LPR : Low Power Regulator 
LQFP : Low Profile Quad Flat Package
LSE : Low Speed External (Oscillator/Clock)
LSI : Low Speed Internal (Oscillator/Clock)
MAC : Media Access Control (Address)
MCU : Micro Controller Unit
MII : Media Independent Interface
MIPS : Microprocessor without Interlocked Pipeline Stages
MIPS : Million Instructions Per Second 
MISO : Master Input Slave Output (Serial Peripheral Interface Bus Abbreviation)
MMC : Multi Media Card
MOSI : Master Output Slave In (Serial Peripheral Interface Bus Abbreviation)
MPU : Memory Protection Unit
MR : Main Regulator
MSPS : Mega Sample Per Second
NC : Normally Closed 
NC : Not Connected
NO : Normally Open
NVIC : Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller
OC : Output Compare
PDR : Power Down Reset
PHY : Physical (Layer)
PLC : Programmable Logic Controller
PLL : Phase Locked Loop
PM Bus : Power Management Bus
POR : Power On Reset
PPB : Private Peripheral Bus
PVD : Programmable Voltage Detector
PWM : Pulse Width Modulation 
QFP :  Quad Flat Package
RAM : Random Access Memory 
RC : Resistor Capacitor
RMII : Reduced Media Independent Interface
RNG : Random Number Generator
RST : Bidirectional Reset Pin With Embedded Weak Pull Up Resistor 
RTC : Real Time Clock
RTS : Request to Send
RTR : Ready to Receive
S : Supply Pin (Pin Abbreviation)
SCL : Serial Clock Line
SCLK : Serial Clock (Serial Peripheral Interface Bus Abbreviation)
SDA : Serial Data Line
SDIO : Secure Digital Input Output
SM Bus : System Management Bus
SMI : Serial Management Interface
SPI : Serial Peripheral Interface 
SRAM : Static Random Access Memory
SS : Slave Select (Serial Peripheral Interface Bus Abbreviation)
SSCG : Spread Spectrum Clock Generation
SWD : Serial Wire Debug
TC: Standartd 3.3V Input Output Pin (Pin Abbreviation)
TIM : Timer
TPA : Trace Port Analyzer
TPIU : Trace Port Interface Unit 
TQFP : Thin Quad Flat Package
TTa : 3.3V Tolerant Input Output Pin Directly Connected to ADC (Pin Abbreviation)
UART : Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter
ULPI : Utmi Low Pin Interface
USART : Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter
UTMI : USB 2.0 Transceiver Macrocell Interface
VBAT : Battery Voltage Supply (Pin)
VCC :  Positive Supply Voltage (BJT)
VDD : Positive Supply Voltage (FET)
VEE : Negative Supply (Ground) (BJT)
VSS : Negative Supply (Ground) (FET)
WWDG : Windows Watch Dog